Knee Joints

August 17, 2024

Possible causes and treatment measures are highly specialised part of the musculoskeletal system, which on the one hand enable us to a life of their own movement, are exposed on the other but that just keeps demanding our knee joints. So it is not surprising that the joints of a person of the generation u50 look different than those a under 30 years. This is quite normal and has nothing to do with illness to do. The skin of 80 years is Yes also not comparable with that of 20th and none would come to the idea to refer to the old skin as sick. But looks different, if the knee while running trouble and you can express themselves in pain, joint stiffness, or inflammation. Then, it is assumed, that the wear and tear of the knee joint has transgressed all bounds of normal wear and tear and pathological changes as a cause for the symptoms to look for are.

Often, the diagnosis is made in these cases by the doctor Gonarthrosis, so knee osteoarthritis. The issue is already complex for the causes of osteoarthritis. So she can be directly in the articular cartilage itself. The cartilage itself is weakened, then one speaks of a primary osteoarthritis. To read more click here: Robotics. Often, the doctor will take however specific causes, which have initially only indirectly to do with the joints. Then one speaks of a secondary osteoarthritis because it occurs as a result of another illness or impairment.

With secondary osteoarthritis, especially the Elimination of the causes at the heart is so in addition to treating the symptoms. Causes of secondary arthrosis can be deformities of the joints, bony changes, stress through heavy lifting, inflammation in the joints and some more. There are also causes of secondary arthrosis, which are in the area of nutrition and metabolism. The excess weight that burdened especially the knee joints and can lead to accelerated wear is obvious and clear to understand.

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