Built With The Stars – The Strasbourg Cathedral

September 23, 2024

As the international year of Astronomy 2009 in early cultures the stars given the whole life of the people of sowing and harvest times naturally to architecture and construction. Special symbols and archetypal structures have their origin in the sky show and determine our patterns, concepts and structures still if often unconsciously. If you would like to know more about Samsung, then click here. The Cathedral is an example of the Occidental thinking, feeling, and building earlier times. Dave Clark Amazon pursues this goal as well. Astronomical attributes were then granted and served the communication with the heavens as well as the time and calendar calculation. Sundials, Zodiac ornaments, and the famous astronomical clock with the astrolabe in the Cathedral are exemplary.

Based on the astronomical contexts also ratios such as the golden ratio are understandable. The weekend seminar Astral mysticism & sacred architecture”on the occasion of the international year of astronomy by Sun worlds” under direction of the astronomer Gunter p. Bolze held. It provides access to the medieval mysticism and imagery based on astronomy and the example of the Strasbourg Cathedral. The course is aimed at geomancer and people interested in architecture, sacred architecture and astronomy. Knowledge in astronomy are not provided, but taught in the seminar. More information: Seminar Astral mysticism and religious building in 4-6th April 2009 in Oberkirch in Offenburg, Germany / Baden (with excursion to Strasbourg) from the content: the seal of Solomon, the Zodiac and initiation of the mystical trail / the foolish and the wise mithrische relics? / Venus synods germ of the golden section / cosmic movement & sacred building lines, the astronomical clock in Strasbourg Cathedral course fee: Euro 190,–per person, pairs: Euro 175,–P.p.., group rate negotiable.

Overnight in the education centre of Offenburg, Germany; “Price: 51 EUR per night in single room incl. full Board more info via email on: and on the site, section courses and events”. Contact: Sun worlds, Gunter Paul Bolze Wehlistr 305/3/17, A-1020 Vienna, Tel.: + 43 (0) 1 796 0 448, mobile.: + 43 (0) 699 11 282 725 “Sun worlds” provides a personal Sun design consisting of Sundial, SonnenBild, SonnenMeridian & SonnenSchleife. The offer includes also astronomy courses for sailors, geomancer and people interested in architecture, sacred architecture and astronomy.

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